What Are the Best Practices for Maintaining Mental Health in Higher Education?

April 4, 2024

Higher education is a time of great personal growth, intellectual exploration, and newfound independence. But, for many students, it can also be a time of significant stress and mental health challenges. As colleges and universities increasingly recognize the critical importance of supporting student mental health, they are implementing a range of services, resources, and programs to help students manage stress, access counseling, and maintain overall well-being.

In this article, we will delve into the best practices for maintaining mental health in higher education. We will highlight the importance of appropriate campus-based mental health services, timely care and support for students experiencing mental health issues, and the role of education in promoting a healthier student life.

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The Importance of Campus-Based Mental Health Services

Campus-based mental health services play a significant role in maintaining the mental well-being of students. Colleges and universities often offer free or low-cost counseling and psychological services to students, which can be a lifeline for those struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. The availability of these services on campus reduces barriers to access, making it easier for students to get the help they need.

Many institutions also provide mental health screenings, workshops, and group therapy sessions, which can help students identify and address their mental health concerns early on. Some campuses even have 24/7 mental health hotlines, allowing students to seek immediate help in a crisis.

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Through a variety of interventions and support mechanisms, campus-based mental health services can significantly contribute to a more supportive and understanding university environment, promoting mental well-being among students.

The Necessity of Timely Care and Support

Timely care and support are also critical when it comes to students’ mental health. Every student’s experience and struggle are unique, so it’s important that colleges and universities provide swift and individualized support to those in need.

This might take the shape of immediate access to counseling services during a crisis, or ongoing support for students with chronic mental health conditions. Some colleges and universities are also adopting digital platforms like TimelyCare that provide virtual mental health support, which is especially important in the era of COVID-19 when many students may prefer or need to access services remotely.

As well as professional mental health support, peer support programs can also offer timely care. These initiatives train students to provide emotional support, resources, and referrals to their peers, allowing for a more immediate response to mental health concerns on campus.

Education as a Tool for Promoting Mental Health

Education plays a critical role in promoting mental health among college and university students. Mental health literacy – understanding how to take care of one’s mental health, recognize signs of distress in oneself and others, and know how to seek help – is a crucial aspect of this.

Many colleges and universities offer mental health workshops, seminars, or courses, and some include mandatory mental health education in their curricula. These programs aim to raise awareness of mental health issues, decrease stigma, and build skills for self-care and help-seeking.

Additionally, many institutions are focusing on cultivating a campus culture that promotes mental health. This involves creating safe spaces for conversations about mental health, fostering inclusivity, and encouraging student engagement in mental health advocacy.

Encouraging a Healthy Lifestyle

Adopting a healthy lifestyle is another important practice for maintaining mental well-being. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and avoiding excessive alcohol and drug use can all contribute to better mental health.

Many colleges and universities have facilities like gyms, health food cafes, and sleep pods to support students in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. They also offer programs like yoga classes, mindfulness workshops, and health and wellness fairs to encourage students to take care of their physical health as a way of boosting their mental health.

Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusivity

Finally, ensuring that mental health services and supports are accessible and inclusive is pivotal. Students come from diverse backgrounds and have unique needs and challenges. Recognizing and addressing these differences is essential to providing effective mental health support.

Colleges and universities can do this by offering services that are culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of diverse student populations, such as international students, LGBTQ+ students, students with disabilities, and students from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

In addition, steps should be taken to reduce barriers to accessing mental health services. This could include offering services in different languages, providing options for online counseling, and making sure services are affordable or covered by student health insurance.

Involvement of Faculty Staff in Supporting Student Mental Health

Faculty staff members are integral to the university ecosystem and can play a pivotal role in supporting student mental health. They often have the first-hand opportunity to observe students’ behaviors, academic performance, and interactions. This puts them in a unique position to identify students who may be struggling with mental health issues.

Professors, lecturers, and other academic staff members should be trained to recognize signs of mental distress in students. This might include noticeable changes in behavior, declining academic performance, increased absence from classes, or signs of self-harm. They should also understand appropriate procedures for referring students to campus counseling centers or other mental health resources.

Workshops and training programs can be implemented to equip faculty staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to support their students. For instance, some universities offer Mental Health First Aid training or similar programs to their staff.

Faculty staff can also contribute to creating a supportive and understanding environment in the classroom. They can do this by incorporating discussions about mental health into their lessons, being flexible and understanding about deadlines when students are struggling, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity.

In addition, faculty staff members can actively promote mental health services and resources available on campus to students. They can encourage students to access these services, ensuring they are aware of the assistance available to them.

Supporting Mental Health in Student Athletes

Student athletes often face unique pressures compared to their non-athlete counterparts, which can take a toll on their mental health. These pressures may include the demands of balancing rigorous training schedules with academic commitments, the pressure to perform, and the fear of injury.

Therefore, universities and colleges should provide mental health support tailored to the needs of student athletes. This includes having sport psychologists or mental health professionals who specialize in sports psychology as part of the counseling center staff.

Mental health education and stigma reduction initiatives can also be tailored to the athletic community. Workshops could focus on topics such as the mental aspects of athletic performance, coping with injury, and managing stress and anxiety related to competition.

Further, coaches and other athletic staff members should be trained to recognize signs of mental distress and understand how to refer athletes to appropriate mental health resources. They can also play a critical role in creating a team culture that supports mental health and encourages help-seeking.


In conclusion, maintaining mental health in higher education is a multifaceted task. It requires the concerted efforts of the entire university community – from students to faculty staff, counseling centers, and administration. The best practices for maintaining mental health involve not only making mental health services readily available and accessible but also fostering an environment that supports mental well-being and encourages open conversations about mental health issues.

With an increased understanding of the importance of mental health, colleges and universities are continuously evolving their approaches to meet the needs of their students. By implementing the best practices outlined in this article, they can ensure a supportive environment that enables students to flourish acadically and personally, and effectively manage the mental health challenges that can arise during their higher education journey.