What Are the Impacts of Low-Energy House Standards on Real Estate Marketability in the UK?

April 4, 2024

The UK housing market is experiencing an unprecedented turn of events due to the rise of low-energy house standards. These seismic changes are not just limited to design and construction aspects. They are significantly transforming the real estate marketability of dwellings across England and Wales. This article delves into the intricacies of low-energy house standards and investigates their implications in shaping the real estate landscape.

The Rise of Low-Energy House Standards

Energy efficiency has evolved from being a mere catchphrase to a fundamental guiding principle in the design and construction of dwellings. Rooted in the commitment to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability, the UK government has set stringent energy performance standards for buildings, encapsulated in the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

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The EPC provides a measure of a dwelling’s energy performance, denoted by a score ranging from A-G, with A being the most efficient band. A low score signifies that a property consumes lesser energy, hence, is more efficient. The EPC is mandatory for all dwellings in England and Wales, and it forms a part of the essential records one needs while buying or selling a property.

These low-energy house standards are not just a statutory requirement. They are a testament to a shift in societal attitudes towards sustainability. Prospective buyers now factor in the EPC score while considering properties, which has led to an increased demand for dwellings with a higher energy-efficiency rating.

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Impacts on Real Estate Marketability

The advent of low-energy house standards has redefined the concept of marketability in the UK’s housing sector. Dwellings with high energy efficiency scores now have a competitive edge in the market.

Buyers are becoming more aware of the long-term benefits of investing in a property with a higher EPC score. Such dwellings will not only result in lower energy bills but also contribute to a decrease in carbon emissions, aligning with the growing trend towards sustainable living. This has led to a surge in demand for such properties, consequently driving up their market value.

Moreover, the rise of these standards has also made energy efficiency a necessary criterion for property developers. Builders are now urged to incorporate energy-efficient aspects into their design and construction methodologies. This, in turn, has given birth to a new genre of housing, popularly known as ‘green buildings’.

The EPC and Its Correlation with Property Value

The Energy Performance Certificate, or EPC, is now a significant player in the UK’s housing market. A dwelling’s EPC score is now considered a key performance indicator of its market value.

A research by the UK government found a clear correlation between a property’s EPC band and its market price. Dwellings with an EPC score of A or B were sold, on average, at a significantly higher price than those in bands D-G.

This trend underscores that energy efficiency is no longer a luxury but a necessity, and it will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the housing sector’s future.

The Role of Tenure Type and Age of Property

Interestingly, the age and tenure type of a property also interact with low-energy house standards to influence marketability. Newer properties, particularly those built post-2002, are more likely to have a higher EPC rating due to contemporary design standards focused on energy efficiency.

Similarly, the tenure type plays a part. Owned properties tend to have a higher EPC score than rented dwellings, potentially because homeowners can directly reap the benefits of energy efficiency in the form of lower utility bills.

Future Implications

Given the trend, the influence of low-energy standards on housing marketability is set to gain further momentum. With the UK government’s commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the EPC requirements are expected to get even stricter.

Property developers need to adapt to this new reality and view it as an opportunity rather than a challenge. They must proactively incorporate energy efficiency measures into their projects to meet the rising demand for ‘green buildings’.

In conclusion, the impacts of low-energy house standards on the real estate marketability in the UK are profound and far-reaching. As sustainability continues to be a leading agenda, these standards are set to redefine the future of the housing sector in the UK.

Understanding the Role of Property Attributes and Fuel Type

In the realm of real estate, the influence of low-energy house standards extends beyond the design and construction elements of a dwelling. It also encapsulates a range of property attributes, including the type of fuel used in the property.

Primarily, the fuel type used in a dwelling plays a significant role in defining its energy efficiency and, consequently, its EPC score. Properties that utilise renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, will inherently have a higher efficiency score. Conversely, dwellings that rely on traditional, non-renewable fuels, such as gas or coal, will score lower.

Therefore, it is no surprise that the choice of fuel type has a major influence on the marketability of properties in England and Wales. As the societal shift towards sustainable living gathers momentum, dwellings that utilise renewable energy sources are increasingly in demand, and command higher market prices.

In addition, property attributes data, such as insulation levels, window types, and heating systems installed, also impact a dwelling’s EPC score and hence its market value. For instance, properties with double-glazed windows and high insulation levels are likely to have a higher efficiency score as they reduce energy loss.

Moreover, the type of tenure also influences a dwelling’s marketability. Our analysis of English regions and Wales reveals that homeowners tend to invest more in energy-efficient measures than renters, probably because they stand to benefit directly from lower energy costs.

The Influence of Low-Energy House Standards on Social Rented Sector

One area where the impact of low-energy house standards is particularly noticeable is the social rented sector. The EPC records of existing dwellings in England and Wales show a considerable difference in the median energy efficiency scores between privately owned and socially rented properties.

In socially rented homes, the focus on energy efficiency may be less due to the absence of direct incentives for the renters. The landlords, who would bear the cost of energy-efficient upgrades, do not directly benefit from lower energy bills. As a result, such properties often have lower EPC scores, impacting their marketability.

However, this trend is gradually changing. The government’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable living is driving changes in the social rented sector too. Authorities across various English regions and Wales are introducing schemes to improve the energy efficiency of socially rented homes, thereby enhancing their marketability.


In summary, the rise of low-energy house standards is significantly shaping the real estate marketability in the UK. These standards are not just influencing the design and construction of dwellings but also the choice of fuel type, property attributes, and type of tenure.

The government’s commitment towards achieving net-zero carbon emissions, coupled with a societal shift towards sustainability, is driving an increase in demand for energy-efficient properties. As a result, the EPC score has evolved from being just a statutory requirement to a key performance indicator of a property’s market value.

Moving forward, it is essential for property developers to view these standards as an opportunity to create value and differentiate their offerings. By doing so, they will not only contribute to the sustainable development goals but also improve the marketability of their properties, thereby creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders involved.